by | Jan 5, 2015 | Cancer, Cancer Caretakers

Being told you have cancer is one of the most frightening things anyone can hear.

It’s difficult news to process and everyone handles it differently, but regardless of your coping skills there are certain steps everyone should take.

Get A Second Opinion:
Even if you’re completely confident with your doctor always get a second opinion.
A second physician may agree with the diagnosis or could detect something your doctor overlooked or interpreted differently.

Explore All Treatment Options:
You may have several options and your doctor will recommend a treatment plan, but do some research to make sure you’ve been told all your choices.
Sometimes patients are told nothing can be done or that there is only one treatment option but often that is not the case.
CyberKnife for instance can treat many tumors that are deemed inoperable.
If they come back they can be re-treated often managing cancer like a chronic disease.
Do your research, ask lots of questions and take notes.

Reach Out To Support Groups:
There are a lot of support groups that can help you understand and cope with your  condition. You can talk to other patients who have been through it.
Take advantage of those resources.

Make Lifestyle Changes:
Maintaing good health will make your treatment more effective.
Eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep and reduce stress.

To discuss all your options contact the CyberKnife Center of Miami and talk to one of our team specialists to determine the right and best course of treatment action for you.
800-204-0455 –

You can also learn more about what we treat and how at our website – www.cyberknifemiami.com