by | Sep 23, 2013 | Cancer Treatment, CyberKnife Treatment, Prostate Cancer

CyberKnife Treatment for Prostate Cancer

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

CyberKnife radiosurgery treatment for prostate cancer is rapid, effective and has no side effects, with the added benefit of being non-invasive. 

Since 2003, the CyberKnife Center of Miami has been providing this high tech cancer treatment longer than any facility in South Florida. 

Prostate Cancer is diagnosed in more than a quarter of a million men each year in the U.S. 

Treatment options in existence which are non-invasive with little to no side effects are practically none. 

The CyberKnife treatment literally kills the cancer cells with a precisely targeted beam of radiation that does not affect surrounding tissue or organs.

CyberKnife Treatment requires:

  • No incision
  • No blood
  • No anesthesia
  • No pain
  • No recovery or rehabilitation time

CyberKnife provides unparalleled flexibility in targeting tumors and lesions.

Advanced image guidance technology tracks and targets the tumor during treatment, ensuring sub millimeter accuracy.

The CyberKnife is cleared by the FDA to provide radio-surgery for lesions any where in the body when radiation treatment is indicated.

The CyberKnife has often been used to radio-surgically treat otherwise untreatable tumors or inoperable tumors. 

The system treats tumors at body sites unreachable by other stereotactic systems.

For more information on CyberKnife treatment for prostate cancer please call the CyberKnife Center of Miami – 800-204-0455

Visit us on the web at

caused by radiation and cancerous tumor cells look alike, but, “The chemical composition of radiation necrosis is a lot different than a malignant tumor,” Dr. Kagan said.

The doctor was able to determine the chemical make-up of Mary’s mass with MR spectroscopy. Without an invasive biopsy or injecting dye, he uses an advanced MRI machine to figure out if the growth is cancerous. The ratio of various brain chemicals lead to a diagnosis.

“And that shows you that it is necrosis and not a tumor,” Dr. Kagan explained. Mary’s cancer scare has passed and the benign brain mass is safely removed. “And now my synapses are firing. It’s like a Gatling gun,” Grace said.

Dr. Kagan has one of about 200 MRI machines capable of performing state of the art MR spectroscopy in the United States. Others are located at places like Mayo Clinic, Duke University and Stanford University Medical Center. The test is not covered by insurance at this time and could cost you about 900 dollars. The doctor says MR spectroscopy is also being used to detect breast and prostate cancers in clinical trials.