When you have cancer you want the best doctor and oncology team treating you, giving you the best chance at being cured.
But how do you find the Top Cancer Doctor in Miami?
For 20 plus years U.S. News & World Report has consistently recognized Dr. Mark Pomper as one of the top cancer doctors in the nation and his cancer center, the CyberKnife Center of Miami is among the top respected centers devoted to cancer treatment.
Dr. Pomper is a board certified oncologist and radiation oncologist who received his medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 30 years.
A big bonus, he speaks several languages including Spanish.
Dr. Pomper and his team at CyberKnife Miami is highly specialized, trained and experienced, treating cases of every kind, taking on the most difficult cases that many doctors are not even willing to take on.
To talk to Dr. Mark Pomper and his team at CyberKnife Miami call 305-279-2900. They are happy to provide you cancer answers to all your questions about your best treatment options for your particular needs.
Read Dr. Mark Pomper’s Mission Statement:
“My Passion is Helping People! In addition to curing cancer and alleviating pain and symptoms, I feel it’s my mission to help patients understand that cancer is most often not a death sentence anymore. Today we have many weapons to battle this disease and we’re equipped with the most non-invasive, powerful and best radiation therapy technology available worldwide. Our radiation technology is the most accurate, targeting only the cancer site, greatly reducing the risk of side effects to other areas of the body. Our highly experienced doctors and medical team can often cure patients and/or help them manage cancer much like a chronic illness. Over the last 20 plus years we’ve treated thousands of patients throughout South Florida and from many other parts of the country and worldwide with the least disruption to their lives. We’re here if you need us. We’ll help you choose the best treatment option for your particular needs with the best possible outcome. We put patients first, making cancer treatment as effective, easy and painless as possible.”
Why Choose CyberKnife Miami?
State-of-the-art CyberKnife technology is giving hope to patients around the world who want alternatives to conventional cancer surgery or radiation therapy.
For decades, undergoing cancer treatment usually meant suffering through debilitating side effects and took weeks or months to complete. Now, thanks to the CyberKnife system, treatment can be completed within a matter of days and with few to mild side effects, if any.
The bottom line is that CyberKnife technology allows us to manage and treat cancer like a chronic disease – similar to treating diabetes – while maintaining your quality of life throughout the treatment process.
Having treated patients throughout Florida, the US, and abroad, CyberKnife Miami is an international destination for patients seeking CyberKnife treatment. Our center introduced the first CyberKnife program to the southeast United States.
We are the most experienced and qualified team in South Florida. Our extensive clinical and technical research experience helps our physician determine if you are an appropriate candidate for CyberKnife treatment.

What Makes CyberKnife So Unique?
Uniquely Designed Targeted Radiation
The unique design of the CyberKnife system allows it to deliver targeted radiation therapy to lesions throughout the body, without the use of a frame. The CyberKnife can perform staged radiosurgery in one to five treatments.
The design makes the CyberKnife system especially beneficial for treating larger tumors and lesions near sensitive structures because it better protects the surrounding healthy tissue.
CyberKnife radiosurgery eliminates the risk of complications and lengthy recovery time associated with traditional open surgery. CyberKnife treatment is painless, with no cutting or anesthesia involved.
Outpatient Procedure
As an outpatient procedure, CyberKnife radiosurgery also allows for a better quality of life during and after treatment, which enables you to immediately resume your normal activities. Our goal is to give you back the life you know and love!