by | Jun 5, 2014 | Prostate Cancer

Mike Cibula: Prostate Cancer Patient

Treating Prostate Cancer with CyberKnife

As an airline executive, Mike Cibula frequently traveled the world, but that did not stop him from getting his PSA levels tested every year since age 40. Mike was diligent about it because his dad had prostate cancer.

Mike had a clean bill of health until recently. At the age of 66, Mike’s PSA results came back higher than normal. He was diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer and had a Gleason Score of 7.

His urologist recommended surgery or “watchful waiting” but the Miami Shores, FL resident wasn’t interested in either option so he called a trusted friend who has a lot of medical knowledge.

Mike says, “She suggested I go to The CyberKnife Center of Miami. She worked for a surgeon that often took his patients to CyberKnife Miami to treat all kinds of tumors, both cancerous and non-cancerous.”

Mike never heard of CyberKnife but called CyberKnife Miami to check it out. They sent him information about CyberKnife radiosurgery for prostate cancer and after studying it, meeting the staff and speaking with other patients, he was convinced and chose CyberKnife radiosurgery treatment.

CyberKnife isn’t a knife at all. There is no cutting or anesthesia. It uses pinpoint targeted radiation with missile guidance technology to target and treats tumors.

Dr. Silvio Garcia, the board-certified Radiation Oncologist who treated Mike at the CyberKnife Center of Miami says, “Mike was a good candidate for CyberKnife because his tumor wasn’t large and it hadn’t spread.”

Mike says, “It was 5 easy treatments, about 20 minutes each over 10 days and I had absolutely no side effects, it didn’t slow me down at all and I haven’t had a problem since. I don’t feel any different today than before I knew I had prostate cancer.”

Dr. Garcia says, “We’re seeing very positive results with CyberKnife treatment for prostate cancer. More than 90-percent of patients 5 years post-treatment continue to maintain low PSA levels.”

Surgery for prostate cancer carries an increased risk of incontinence, impotence, and infection. In addition, standard radiation requires 40+ treatments over 2 to 3 months compared to CyberKnife’s 5 treatments over 10 days.

A recent study found more than half of prostate patients who choose “watchful waiting” discovered their cancer was much more aggressive than previously thought. Dr. Garcia says he’s very cautious about watchful waiting. “I believe that being proactive and taking immediate action is best.”

Mike agrees, “Why to take the risk of being cut open or waiting if you can have it taken care of quickly, efficiently and effectively with CyberKnife?”

Dr. Garcia says, “Years of mounting research is proving CyberKnife to be the gold standard for treating prostate cancer and as more men learn about CyberKnife it will become the number one treatment of choice.”

Today, retired from his job at the airlines Mike continues traveling the world. He remains cancer-free and tells anyone who’ll listen about the CyberKnife Center of Miami.

“They made me feel so comfortable and are so nice. I can’t say enough great things about them. All of the doctors work together as a team. They were all there for my first treatment and they continue to call to see how I’m doing. Their compassion is just incredible. I asked them to send me a stack of brochures and I pass them out to everyone to help spread the word about this amazing technology. I am forever grateful to have learned about CyberKnife and in particular the CyberKnife Center of Miami.”
Is CyberKnife right for you? Talk with a CyberKnife expert.

At the CyberKnife Center of Miami, our experienced physicians and nurses can offer you the best advice on treatment options.

For more information, please contact us at 800-204-0455

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~ Dalai Lama