Brain Cancer and CyberKnife Treatment

by | Oct 14, 2020 | Brain Cancer

How do you know if you have a brain tumor or you’re just paranoid?

Here are the most common symptoms: 



Difficulty thinking and/or speaking

Changes in personality

Tingling or Stiffness on one side of the body

Loss of balance

Change in vision

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms for a period of time, say a week or longer, and they’re not going away, it’s time to see a doctor for a complete physical exam.

Don’t be shy to tell your doctor you’re afraid it might be a brain tumor. Chances are it’s not but you should express your concerns and even ask for a brain scan just to make sure it’s not all in your head. (pun intended).

Should the test results determine you do have a brain tumor, don’t panic. It’s not an automatic death sentence anymore. Even if it’s brain cancer. Chances are you can get it treated quite easily and effectively if you know your treatment options.  

While brain surgery is one option, it’s always best if you can avoid it. It’s horrifically invasive and can cause a brain bleed and lead to all kinds of temporary and/or life long problems, including loss of motor skills such as the ability to walk or talk, the loss of vision and hearing, loss of senses, memory, ability to balance and/or result in a brain infection after surgery that can be deadly or require an even longer recovery period.

And of course, the trauma of brain surgery can be extremely tough to deal with. The hospital stay, going under the knife, general anesthesia, recovering for weeks in the hospital, possibly requiring physical and occupational therapy. Having to learn how to walk again or talk. 

Confusion and memory problems can be permanent after brain surgery.

Even in the best hospital, with the best neurosurgeon, things can go terribly wrong with brain surgery and recovery can take months if not a year or more or never.

We cannot stress this strongly enough.

Anytime you can avoid brain surgery or any surgery and get treated non-invasively, that’s often the best way to go.

Right now the gold standard for treating brain tumors non-invasively is with CyberKnife Radiation Therapy.

The brain is a very delicate, complex tissue and precision is vital when treating the brain.

The CyberKnife System delivers pin-point radiation beams directly to the tumor, destroying only the tumor, leaving healthy surrounding tissue unharmed which is crucial for a good outcome.

The result is a much, much less risk of bad side effects that can come with brain surgery. 

Certainly, there is no risk of a brain bleed or brain infection from CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS).

Nearly 30 years of research and thousands of patients treated successfully worldwide proves, CyberKnife is the best non-surgical option for brain tumors and is often the number one choice for patients.

And here’s why, it causes the least disruption to a patient’s life while protecting their quality of life, including cognitive abilities, such as remembering things and concentrating, which can be negatively affected with whole-brain radiation therapy, which is another treatment option patients should avoid if at all possible because it too can cause greater brain damage. 

The technology that makes CyberKnife stand out from all other treatment options is its unrivaled, sub-millimeter accuracy and missile guided technology which follows and targets only the tumor should the patient move while undergoing treatment on the CyberKnife table. 

CyberKnife’s beams attack the tumor from hundreds of different angles destroying it and only the tumor with a significantly lower risk of the most common side effects.

CyberKnife’s Key Benefits:

It’s Non-surgical and non-invasive

No head frame is required like with the Gamma Knife

It results in excellent tumor control

They’re a much lower risk of common cognitive side effects such a memory loss

It only requires 1-to-5 treatments over a 1-to-2 week period

Patients can continue normal activity before and after treatment

It does not interrupt chemo or immunotherapy treatments

Patients previously treated with whole-brain radiation therapy may still be candidates for CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) TreatmentEveryone deserves the best possible treatment for a brain tumor.

Ask your doctor if CyberKnife treatment is right for you. If he or she says no, get a second opinion.

Talk to a CyberKnife expert because most often patients with tumors are excellent candidates for this non-invasive treatment for tumors almost anywhere in the body, including metastatic tumors.

The CyberKnife can treat many types of brain tumors and neurological problems in much fewer treatments with excellent results.

It’s been proven safe and effective for spinal tumors, meningiomas, acoustic neuromas, pituitary adenomas, vascular malformations and trigeminal neuralgia.

Results Of Just A Few Clinical Studies: 

90% of patients treated for metastatic brain tumors who had headaches and seizures either stabilized or improved following CyberKnife treatment.

More Than 85% of patients treated for metastatic brain tumors had their tumors decrease in size or stop growing.

92% of patients whose lesions were unsuitable for treatment with surgery and/or a portion of the lesion remained after surgery either experienced stabilization or a significant improvement of their symptoms after CyberKnife therapy.

Most side effects from CyberKnife Radiation are mild and temporary, often involving fatigue, nausea, skin irritation and can depend on the patient’s overall health and severity of their disease.

For more details talk to our cancer experts at CyberKnife Miami to find out if it’s the perfect treatment for you.

Our compassionate oncology team puts patients first.

We answer the phone, call you back, help make all arrangements for you and your family so you can get cancer treatment behind you as easily, safely and quickly as possible and on with living your life.

Here’s our number 305-279-2900 and go to our website now to learn more