CyberKnife Center of Miami

What Types of Cancer We Treat

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Cancer Treatment Center in Miami, FL

What Types of Cancer Does CyberKnife Miami Treat?

The CyberKnife is FDA approved to deliver precise, high-energy, radiation treatments to cancerous and non-cancerous tumors throughout the entire body. More than 150,000 patients have been treated worldwide and over 3,500 have been successfully treated at the CyberKnife Center of Miami. Many had been told that they had inoperable tumors, but were successfully treated with the CyberKnife.

Not everyone is a candidate for image-guided robotic radiosurgery treatment and only a CyberKnife-trained physician can best determine if a condition can be treated using the CyberKnife system.

Generally speaking, the CyberKnife effectively treats:

Primary cancers, including lungliverprostatebrain, pancreas, and spinal cord

Metastatic cancers, or those that have spread to other areas of the body, including brainspineliverlung, and lymph nodes

Recurring cancers in previously treated areas

Benign tumors such as meningiomasacoustic neuromas, pituitary adenomas, and cavernous angiomas

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Primary / Metastatic / Recurrent / Benign Cancer Treatments For the Brain

Primary Tumors

  • Astrocytomas
  • Gliomas
  • Skull-base tumors
  • Nasopharyngeal carcinomas
  • Spinal tumors


  • Acoustic neuromas
  • Schwannomas
  • Pituitary adenomas
  • Hemangioblastomas
  • Craniopharyngiomas

Vascular Malformations

  • Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
  • Cavernous malformations

Functional Disorders

  • Trigeminal neuralgia
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Primary / Metastatic / Recurrent / Benign Cancer Treatments For the Body

“I was given months to live with lung cancer, that was over a decade ago.”

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Mike – Real Patient

To learn more about this revolutionary treatment or find out if CyberKnife treatment is suitable for you, call our center in Miami at (800) 204-0455 or contact us online.