CyberKnife Center Of Miami
Message From The Director
CyberKnife Miami Director
Message From the Medical Director of CyberKnife Miami
We provide patients with groundbreaking technology by bringing the power of CyberKnife’s efficiency and accuracy to fight tumors and other medical conditions throughout the body. No matter how advanced our technology is, it is only as good as the specialists using it and treating you.
Our team of radiation oncologists, surgeons, medical physicists, and radiation therapists provides a level of skill and precision that matches our years of experience. They are among some of the most experienced radiosurgery specialists in the United States, which is why they are often asked to train other centers around the world on how to use the CyberKnife in the most effective way with the most positive outcomes.
CyberKnife Center of Miami was the first CyberKnife facility in Florida, the first in the southeastern US and 11th in the country. Our open-staff facility allows your physicians to collaborate on your treatment, rather than just refer you to our center. We encourage the physician who knows you best to work with our team to deliver a customized treatment for your specific condition.
In nearly 20 years we have successfully treated thousands of cases. Many of our patients travel from across the country and as far away as Egypt and China for treatment at our facility. We will help coordinate your care from beginning to end and work with your insurance company to ensure coverage.
If you want to find out if we might be able to help you, call us and we will determine if you are a candidate for this therapy. It could save your life, extend your life, and preserve your quality of life while undergoing treatment.
Dr. Mark E. Pomper
Medical & Executive Director of the CyberKnife Center of Miami
Call CyberKnife Miami today at (800) 204-0455 or 305-279-2900 to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one.
And visit our Prostate Cancer Website:

“I was given months to live with lung cancer, that was over a decade ago.”

Mike – Real Patient