‘Quick’ Cancer DNA Test Offers Hope For Thousands

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Quick Blood Test for Cancer

The test checks for cancer DNA which means a quicker diagnosis and better treatment options for patients.

How does the test work?

Usually doctors try to find out more about someone’s condition by extracting tumor cells from the body.

But these biopsies can be very invasive and doctors may also struggle to get a sample.

As cancer cells grow and multiply they shed tiny fragments of their DNA into the bloodstream.

The “liquid biopsy” is a simple blood test that looks for these.

Samples are analyzed to build a picture of the cancer’s genetic code which can help determine the best course of treatment.

It can also be used to monitor how well treatment is working.

“It’s not only important to know whether or not there’s actually cancer there and what stage it is, it’s important to know what biomarker this cancer has because there could initially be more than 10 treatment options,” said Dr Magdelena Meissner, chief investigator of the QuicDNA study.This test means as soon as someone is diagnosed they can start treatment with a targeted therapy.”

CyberKnife therapy delivers precise targeted beams of radiation directly to tumors anywhere in the body, destroying tumors while leaving surrounding healthy tissue unharmed, greatly reducing the risk of side effects. 

How It Works: A robotic arm delivers radiation to the tumor while the patient lies comfortably on the CyberKnife table.

What It Treats: Cancerous and noncancerous tumors, as well as nerve disorders like trigeminal neuralgia.

Benefits: Minimizes damage to healthy tissue, can treat tumors that were previously considered inoperable, and can be completed in many fewer treatment sessions than traditional radiation therapy.

Treatment Sessions: Each session typically lasts 40-to-90 minutes, and most patients require only 1-to-5 treatment sessions.

Side Effects: Patients usually feel the same after treatment as they did when they arrived, and most can drive after treatment. 

If you would like more information call our team at CyberKnife Miami. They are among the most experienced teams worldwide using CyberKnife, and experience can make a big difference concerning the outcome of your cancer treatment. You can reach us at 305-279-2900.