CyberKnife Makes Treating & Beating Cancer More Bearable

by | Mar 28, 2020 | Cancer Treatment, CyberKnife Center of Miami, CyberKnife to Treat Cancer, CyberKnife Treatment

Hearing the words, “You Have Cancer,” is scary and distressing for patients and their families.

Their minds are instantly flooded with many questions and concerns about survival and how it will affect their lives.

A major decision, what is the best treatment option that will give them the greatest chance of beating cancer?

How will it affect my life, my ability to work, family and daily schedule?

The good news is there are a lot more weapons to fight cancer than ever before, that are more successful and make the whole process a lot easier and far less time consuming.

Among them is CyberKnife, which is state-of-the-art radiation therapy technology. It’s been used on hundreds of thousands of patients worldwide since the 1990’s and FDA approved 20 years ago. Plus it’s covered by most insurance companies, including Medicare, Medicaid and Veteran Hospitals.

The CyberKnife system delivers powerful and extremely precise doses of radiation to tumors anywhere in the body.

What Can CyberKnife Treat?

CyberKnife is used to treat cancerous and non-cancerous tumors, plus nerve disorders like Trigeminal Neuralgia and brain Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM’s) which is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain.

CyberKnife is also excellent for what are consideredinoperable tumors” deeper inside the body, and for elderly patients who don’t want to or can’t risk surgery due to a weakened immune system.

It’s so precise it can target small, complex tumors located near critical structures and leave those structures unharmed.

CyberKnife is not a knife at all. To put it simply, it’s extremely precise radiation therapy that requires no cutting or down time and is pain-free.

Dennis Salhi chose CyberKnife to treat his prostate cancer, Having something like that in your body is very scary and unsettling. My dad had prostate cancer twice. I wanted it taken care of right away, with the least possibility of it coming back and the least disruption to my life as possible.”

When Prostate cancer is caught and treated early CyberKnife has a 97% success rate.

CyberKnife Miami’s Medical Director and Radiation Oncologist Dr. Mark Pomper says,“The CyberKnife system is so powerful and precise it can treat prostate tumors with 5 radiation therapy sessions over two weeks compared to about 45 over several months with other types of radiation.”

What are the Benefits of CyberKnife?

Fewer treatments over much less time is a tremendous benefit to patients who want to get cancer behind them and on with their lives.

The CyberKnife Missile and Image Guided Technology targets the tumor and follows it even as a patient breathes normally, greatly optimizing the treatment while at the same time reducing the risk of damaging nearby healthy tissue and organs. 

Most patients report no side effects, others may have slight nausea, fatigue or a headache which subside quickly and are generally less severe than with other forms of radiation.

If youve been diagnosed with primary cancer, metastatic cancer, recurring cancers or even benign tumors, chances are you’ll get better results with fewer treatment at the CyberKnife Center of Miami.

Call our experts at CyberKnife Miami, they’ll be happy to answer all your questions and set up an appointment 305-279-2900 and go to our website now for more information.